sassymcgee's diary

sassymcgee's Diaryland Diary


I see stupid people...

I have to chuckle at the Tweedledums of the world.

First I want to laugh angrily at the Yale frat boys chanting about rape in front of the freshman girls dorm.


Then I want to surprise laugh at Mrs. Clarence Thomas for the STUPID letter written to Anita Hill asking her to apologize for what she did.

Maybe Mrs. Thomas agrees with the frat boys' mentality.

Then I want to hysterically laugh at all the government officials who are not letting gays and lesbians fight for their country.

I think some are protesting too much.

My stomach hurts.

ALMOST as much as my head does from all the idiocy.


12:39 p.m. - 2010-10-20


The Cleveland Sucky-Sucks

Work has midterm break this weekend so I'm on my last day a FOUR day weekend.

Sometimes life is just AWESOME.

And sometimes things, or the BROWNS and BUCKEYES, try to make your weekend less awesome.

I think I need to find another team to cheer.
Because frankly, The Browns suck monkey balls.

I want to root for a team that actually wins...
Not look for ANY itsy-bitsy thing to be excited about.

Like gaining a yard or two.

Or being able to have possession of the ball for an entire four downs.

They SUCK!!

And now OSU is losing!?
I need ONE team that can win for crying out loud.

Damn suck-ass sports teams.


9:46 a.m. - 2010-10-18


It's time for people to act like idiots and sluts! Yay.

Today is the start of the Halloween parties.

And I'm not really excited about ANY of them.

I have never been one for dressing up in a costume.
Well when I was a kid, of course I loved it.
But I'm not a kid anymore.

Plus, it's difficult to find a costume that NOT slutty.
I even found a slutty teenage mutant ninja turtle costume at Spencer's.

No joke.
I took a picture of it.

MAYBE later if I feel like it I'll make a half-ass attempt at a costume.

But I doubt it.

Stupid Halloween.

11:42 a.m. - 2010-10-16


Fifteen pounds of grossness.

Americans are ridiculous sometimes.

We have places where they encourage people to literally try to eat a 15lb burger(or some other kind of gigantic food item) in under so many minutes.

I was watching this show on the Travel Channel which showed establishments around the country that had these kind of contests and I couldn't help but think...


I ask because when I go somewhere to eat I want to ENJOY my food...
Not scarf it down just for a stupid picture on the wall.

When did we become so self-absorbed that we have these places when there are people in OUR OWN COUNTRY who can't feed their families!?

Just another moment for selfish, rude people.

What do I know though?

Maybe a stupid t-shirt that says "I ate the WHOLE thing at Bubba's!" IS a sign of pride...

But I doubt it.

1:21 p.m. - 2010-10-15


This spring chicken is about to expire.

I found out something today.

I found out that I am getting too OLD to go to a club and watch a band on a school night.
Plus the "people" were flipping annoying.

I saw Papa Roach at this smaller venue and let me tell you...
It completely rocked the casbah.

And at one time I would've LOVED to see a band in a club.

But that was a long time ago.

I am SO spoiled when I go to a concert
'cause when I spend my money I want the chance to sit in a CHAIR...
NO being squished with 354 of my closest friends in a sweaty bar that smells like dude.

My body today even threatened to break up with me if I even TRIED to exercise after work.

So I am officially giving up going out on school nights.

I don't want to be sans body.

That would be bad.

6:59 p.m. - 2010-10-14


OMG this is SO irritating...GAWD!

I want to be deaf sometimes.

Then I won't have to hear the stupid teenage mom that works with me speak.

"That irritates me."

She says that after EVERY stinking sentence.

No joke.

I asked her today if there was anything she DIDN"T find irritating...
And she didn't say anything.
Which didn't surprise me at ALL.

I wonder if she realizes she says that SOOOO much.

Probably not.

Stupid teenagers.

4:50 p.m. - 2010-10-11



I'm going to do something I NEVER do in here.

I'm going to use a real name.
Not mine of course.
Silly goose.

Meg is one of my best friends.
And she did the BEST thing for me.
She told this woman that I am a great writer.
A woman who has one of the best voices I have heard in a LONG time.
A woman who might be interested in me writing some songs for her.

I love Meg.

But I'm not sure if I CAN write songs.

I don't play an instrument.
Or have, really, the vocal range this woman does.
And isn't that like a prerequisite?
It would at LEAST be a BIT of a help.

I'm all about trying though.
Because I DO love music.

Another twist to this strange weekend.

I'm exhausted.


12:08 p.m. - 2010-10-10


Snooty-Ass So-Called Friends? No thanks.

I went to the homecoming festivities.

And some of the people were exactly like I thought they were going to be...

Coldly polite and all judge-y.

But some were just as cool as I remembered them.
And THOSE were the people I wanted to see anyway.
NOT the pompous, stick-up-their-butts people who after we said hello chose to pretty much ignore me.


Now that's thankfully over it's time to get ready to see a band with my COOL friends.

Friends that laugh WITH me and not secretly AT me.

6:30 p.m. - 2010-10-09


Kappa Kappa Kappa! Can I help help help ya?

I chopped all my hair off.

Well the beautician did.
Me putting scissors anywhere NEAR my head is dangerous.
And the results are sometimes just downright ridiculous.

I went from hair halfway down my back to above my shoulders.
PLUS I'm getting ready to color it so it'll be even cooler.

True story.

Really what this is all about is the fact that it's my alma mater's homecoming this weekend and I'm going to see a LOT of my old sorority sisters.
And I don't want to be the ugly, poor friend of the group lol.
It doesn't help that they seem to have moved forward and I'm stuck in this eternal rut.

But whatever.

It will still be nice to see them.

Even if one of them is a gorgeous semi-famous newscaster.

Maybe I'll skip it after all.


5:08 p.m. - 2010-10-08


Freedom of Speech? Or freedom to be an asshole?


When does freedom of speech become harassment?

When someone buries their son only to be bombarded by religious zealots?

I am a huge proponent of free speech.
It's what made our country what it is today.
BUT I think people deserve to be safe from harassment...
To be able to grieve for their children without someone throwing their morals in others faces.

What happened to common decency?
To showing people the respect THEY would want if the situation was reversed?
Unfortunately it's becoming something of a myth.

I think certain people are so stuck on what THEY think is right or wrong and trying to force their opinions down others' throats that they are losing their humanity, their respectfulness.

All for something/someone that MIGHT not exist.

Maybe the Snyder family should sue this group for harassment and emotional distress.

And maybe they will find some peace and stop those bottom-feeders in their tracks.

9:18 a.m. - 2010-10-06


O Captain my Captain!

Went to the Browns game yesterday.
And they actually WON!

I am SUCH a good luck charm for them.
I just hope this isn't the only game they win.

Why is it when you tailgate one seems to think it's a good idea to drink an entire bottle of Captain Morgan?

Oh not you?
Just my sister, my cousin and myself?

Let's just say that bottle o' booze made sitting outside in overcast 52 degree weather seem comfy and NOT freezing.

Well at least for about two hours.
Then the alcohol started to wear off.
And we began to sober up.

Lucky for me we were home by 8pm.
Especially since I had to up at 4:30am.

Needless to say I'm a tad sleepy today.

Stupid adult beverages.

4:19 p.m. - 2010-10-04


I've only watched it 12,379 times!

Back to the Future marathon on TV.
All three movies right in a row.


I love love LOVE the first one...
I know it so well I could literally recite it and act it out in a one-woman show.

But I won't...
Nobody would show up to watch it.

Another talent that I'm not using.

I'm SUCH a slacker.

4:05 p.m. - 2010-10-02



I haven't won ANY of the writing contests I have entered.

But am I giving up?


This is a turning point for me...
If I don't keep going with this I will regret it forever.
I HAVE to believe that I am a good writer...
I've wanted to be one even as a kid.
I have a box of little homemade books I made to prove it.

Well to be fair I ALSO wanted to be Cinderella, a dancer, Princess Leia and those didn't work out so well.

So I'll just keep writing and hopefully someday I'll get to be a published writer.

Stupid dreams.

5:47 p.m. - 2010-10-01


For the love of Rose STOP!!!


I like Betty White as much as the next person...
But does she have to be in EVERY flippin' movie!!!????

I get it.
I really do.
She's quite funny and dirty.
Hell the snickers commercial STILL cracks me up.

But she is literally ev-ery-where.
Pretty soon she's going to be showing up in people's home movies...
In music videos.
Even on cereal boxes.
The last straw will be her own stupid cartoon.

Then she won't be as funny.

And that would be sad.

5:53 p.m. - 2010-09-30


Another one bites the dust.

He's leaving today.

He's moving across the country for a better paying job.
That was his plan for AWHILE now.
And I took my slow-ass time to get up my nerve.

But now it's too late.

I am such a dumbass.


9:31 a.m. - 2010-09-29


Shove your working out where the sun don't shine

I realize that exercise is for skinny people and NOT short women with bootyliciousness.

I do NOT feel energized afterwards...
I just wheeze and feel like my legs are going to break off at any moment.

There's no peppiness...
More like a bit of dizziness.

I think gyms and trainers just make that junk up so they can get fatty mcfattensteins like me to spend their money.

Big fat liarheads.

3:52 p.m. - 2010-09-27


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