sassymcgee's diary

sassymcgee's Diaryland Diary


The McGee Tranformation: 2011 Edition.

This REALLY has been an interesting winter break so far.

1. Christmas Eve.

I worked until 6 at the bar which was's really one of my favorite days to work there. Then I went home for the gathering at my place.
First time and it was great.
Nothing formal.
The rents and a couple of my friends that had nothing to do came over and ate the food the sis cooked.
Yet nice.
What Christmas should be about.

2. My stupid teeth.

My back molar has been KILLING me forever(at least it seems like) and I am finally getting it and five others tootheses taken care of tomorrow.
I seriously can't wait because I have waited WAY too long to get this done.
But that was more because of the lack of funds than anything else.
Should've been done sooner.

Stupid sassymcgee.

Now I'm just sitting here getting a bit more nervous as the day goes on.

3. Lack of funds.

I am currently the poorest I have been in a LOOOOONNNNNG time.
Unemployment is taking FOREVER.
Plus it will probably be screwed up due to the stupid 3 days of holiday pay AND my part-time bartending job.
So I will HOPEFULLY get something by next week.
Eventhough I'm not holding my breath.
I DID have a friend tell me about a chance for a part time job opening for an assistant director for the county museum here in town.
Apparently it's a new job they're creating which would be PERFECT for me.
I did major in art history and i have experience in management.

Keep your fingers crossed.

4. My no-resolutions resolution.

This is going well. I'm back to going to the gym and have slowly started to ween myself off the cola(can't drink that when I'm spending a small fortune on the teeth!Stupid weak enamel.).
And I've surprisingly NOT had murderous thoughts due to the lack of said delicious cola.
My face has cleared up from the healthier eating, lack of make-up use(due to my shut-in tendencies this break), and the antibiotics I have been taking for the tooth(which probably is the leading reason).
I feel better and hopefully I will continue to.
Well I will since my friend has something to say about it.
She signed me up for an EXTREMELY hard workout class to take with her.

And yes.
She's still alive.
Give me another week when I'm strong enough to lift my arms and then it might be a different story.

5. Mens.

The weirdest of all. I have all these options all of a sudden. And I'm quite enjoying it to tell you the truth.

I must be getting my mojo back.

Look out 2011.
Sassy's making a comeback.

12:33 p.m. - 2011-01-10


My dentist rocks the casbah today.

Well I FINALLY went to the dentist to fix my tooth dilemma.

And I am going to be having some major crap done to fix some of my issues.
Luckily(?) I'm off for a month from the full-time jobby-job so I'll be able to get it all done.

Not looking forward to the pain but AM looking forward to being able to get this fixed.

So that's been on my mind most of the time lately.

How can I stop this pain?
How fast can we get this done so Sassy doesn't become an evil b-yatch and lose all her peeps?
Am I ever going to NOT feel some kind of ache in the mouth region?
I reeeeally would like to eat more solid foods sometime SOON.

Hopefully January 4 it will be the beginning of the end.


1:43 p.m. - 2010-12-22


Procrastination is my middle name!!!


Is it bad that it's Tuesday and I haven't gotten around to my Christmas cards yet?

Dang it.
I thought so.

I have just had soooo much to do lately that Christmas cards are way at the bottom of the list.
I am actually having Christmas Eve at the new digs this year hence the busy-ness.

Oh well.
Maybe I'll just save them for next year since I won't have enough time...

Stupid me for waiting until the last minute.

10:36 a.m. - 2010-12-21


Does anyone know what this season is about anymore!?

I went shopping yesterday.

The Saturday BEFORE Christmas.

What is it with people being soooo rude during this time of year?
A present isn't as important as we have been programmed to believe people.

My sister was trying to find a parking spot and this jackass almost backed into her and wouldn't stop because he thought she was trying to steal his spot...

Which she wasn't.

We were just trying to get out of that circus of a parking lot.
There were people everywhere so by 1:00 we were tired of dealing with it.
So we drove back to our little town to finish.

Thank god.

It was a ghost town compared to the shopping hell we had just been through.
It was quite nice to not have to deal with that anymore.

But I'm still thinking about the rudeness, the lack of respect.
Especially during this holiday that SUPPOSED to be filled with compassion and good will.

I feel almost resigned to the callousness.

And that makes me sadder than anything else.
Because contrary to what you've read I do try to see the good in people.
At one point when I was younger I truly did believe that everybody had SOME goodness in them.

That was crushed long ago.

Even now when someone acts a certain way I have NO reason to think they are lying to me or aren't who they seem so when the blinders come off I'm a tad hurt by them.

But then I am exactly who I say I am.
I don't put on airs.
I don't lie to make myself look better.
I don't play games.

Because if I'm not myself then nobody I get to know will really like me for the gooey mushy inner ME.

And then my life would be a lie.

And that's just not an option.

3:57 p.m. - 2010-12-19


My body hates me.

My GAWD!!!!!!

My tooth is a killin'!!!!!!
And I'm stuck here at work until two-ish.
All I had to do is get through today...


My stupid body decided that this tooth just HAD to hurt NOW.
I really have had a bad week in the healthy body thing.

I bet all this devil exercise caused all this upheaval.

Stupid exercise messing up stuff.

9:19 a.m. - 2010-12-16


Here comes Sassy Claus! Right down Sassy Claus Lane!

Today I sent a gift to a complete stranger...

It was the best gift I've ever given.

I bought a ship-to-shore calling card and sent it to some random armed forces person.
I WAS trying to find a way to send a package to someone overseas but ALL I kept finding was that I could pay for one and someone ELSE would buy, package and ship one out.

Not the personal touch I was looking for.
I want to pick out the items.
I want to write a personal message for whomever would receive the package.

Don't get me wrong...
It's great that these sites are available.
It's just not what I want to do.

Luckily for me I don't know anybody that's overseas at the moment.

But it sucks because I KNOW that the troops LOVE care packages.

They would reaaaallly love mine too.

I'm a kick-ass gift giver.

True story.

1:26 p.m. - 2010-12-15


It's hard to believe but even I'M not perfect.

In the time I've been sick I've had time to think...
Almost TOO much time.

And I've come up with this list.

What I need to do to stop being a tard.

1. Suck it up and go to the dentist. No matter how much I wish it, I will probably NOT win the lottery.

2. Exercise even though I believe that exercise was created by the devil. Plus I'm sick of wearing ugly clothes. Fat girls don't deserve pretty things according to the fashion world.
True story.

3. Learn to love myself because honestly nobody else does at this moment. And I don't mean family. They have to. It's the law...or something like that.

4. Stop whining about crap I can't change. Most people are tards and it's a big waste of energy. I will forget this one...I'm 99.99999% sure of it.

5. Get a good night's sleep. It's fun and really makes me feel better...who knew?

6. Take care of the crap I have because I sure can't afford anything else right now...stupid job.

7. Get out of the house and stop being a recluse. Just because it's winter and I'm not at my best is no excuse. I need fun in my life dang it!

8. Bake something and make everybody eat said goodies. I need some laughs.

9. Answer those stupid unavailable phone calls. I'm only avoiding the inevitable. Time for some adultness.

10. And finally, get ORGANIZED already. I'm tired of not finding stuff.

There's more about following my dreams...

Blah blah blah.
I've been there before.

Maybe I should get sick more frequently...


9:19 a.m. - 2010-12-14


I LIKE to confuse my MP3 player

I had a convo the other day about my taste in music.

Some people don't understand the variety of my taste.
I like pretty much every type of music...


I think Bieber Beiber, whatever his name, is a joke...
He's fifteen and talking about love?

Whatever kid.

I find myself liking Rap less and less...
I really don't want to learn ANOTHER word for a woman's private area.
Plus I think that a lot of rap sounds alike...

Which to me equals BORING.

I will pretty much pick a rock song over anything else...
Just not that screaming crap that REALLY isn't very creative.
I mean, criminetly, I could scream into a mic...
It doesn't take talent in my opinion.

Only a scratchy throat.

Time for a workout.

Guess what I'm NOT going to listen to?

4:54 p.m. - 2010-12-06


It IS December people!!

It's snowing outside at this moment.

The snow is actually falling very lightly and looks quite pretty.

And I have never heard SOOOO much complaining.
It's not even THAT cold out there yet...

In a month 31 degrees will seem balmy.

What are these kids going to do THEN?
They might ACTUALLY have to wear something besides shorts and flip flops.
AND wear a coat.

Oh the humanity.

Silly college students.

12:38 p.m. - 2010-12-01


Picasso I am SOOOO not

I have a month to create something AWESOME for an art show on campus.

I'm PRETTY sure that I'm going to do a watercolor.
Then again...
I haven't sculpted in a long time.
But who am I kidding?
My best option is a drawing of something or other.
Some trees?
Some scribbly things?

I think I'm screwed.


7:37 p.m. - 2010-11-30


20th Reunion Party Part Four

This weekend was EXHAUSTING!!

I need a vacay to recover from my weekend.

A birthday celebracion.

A holiday where I sat around like a LUMP all day...

Ohio State vs. Michigan where OSU kicked some serious wolverine boot-ay AGAIN!

ANOTHER birthday get together which mainly involved food food and MORE food.

A class reunion get-together.
LOTS of drunkards that had started the day watching the biggest rivalry in college football so by the time they got to this function...
Let's just say that it was quite difficult to understand some of them.

I'm glad that I'm back to work.

I can't BELIEVE I just said that.

6:31 p.m. - 2010-11-29


No praying to the porcelain least for ME

Wednesday night ended being a good night.

The birthday girl was drunker than drunk but she disappeared before I could EVEN worry about her.
And yes she did get home safe.
I just don't know if she went home with the dude with the tatts and long braided hair...
She's not talking.
I had plenty of people to talk to so there was NOTHING boring to worry about there.
Even the people from high school I talked to were awesome and fun to be around.

Overall a fun night.

And I am glad I didn't listen to myself and went anyway.

I didn't have to take care of anyone or worry about them.

ALWAYS good times.

12:33 p.m. - 2010-11-26


I don't WANT to be bored and have to do magic tonight!!!!

Today is Thanksgiving Eve.
The biggest drinking night of the year in the U.S. of A.

It's also my friend's birthday.

So there is a 150% chance that adult beverages will be consumed tonight.

And I am just not feeling it.

There is also going to be friends I haven't seen in YEARS out and about tonight...
Some of them back here from other states.

And I don't want to go out.

Because I know that at some point the birthday girl will want to go to this one bar to hear this certain band.

Who are really good actually.

The problem lies in the fact that I will be ignored eventually because I don't quite know her friends and honestly, think some of them are jackasses.
Well I know them but they STILL act like they don't know who I am whenever I'm around even though I've met them a gaZILLION times and have had to listen to their stupid stories...
Plus they have no sense of humor.
I don't know how to take people who don't think I'm hilarious or I can't at least talk with.
And I don't really want to...

Hence the boredom.

Or I'll become the "mom" of the group and have to take care of three obnoxious drunk women.

Good times.

But I promised to go with them.
And I DO like the band they want to see.


I can just do a "Houdini" later if I'm not having fun.

*A Houdini is when you just leave without telling anyone you're leaving. To magically HOUDINI.*

They probably won't notice anyway.

They'll be too busy with The OTHERS.


5:51 p.m. - 2010-11-24


Counting down the hours and minutes 'til my freedom

I don't want to be here anymore.

Right this moment I am at work and I will be here until about 7:30 tonight.
I got here at 5:30a.m.
Fourteen hours here in the coffee cave.


It could be worse though.
I could be in a bad mood and be all snarly to everyone.
PLUS I get to have the rest of the week off and sleep in tomorrow.

STILL don't want to be here though.

Stupid need for money to survive.

11:39 a.m. - 2010-11-23


One reason why I donate time to the Humane Society

I woke up this morning and I had this deep thought while still all cozy under the covers:

We, meaning ALL humans, are inherently cruel to animals and we REALLY don't care or see it.

Take fishing for example.

Those fishies are just swimming around, hanging with their homies when they see food dangling tantalizingly in front of them.
They feel pain in their mouths and a jerking motion and the next thing they know they're lying in billy bob's cooler on top of other dead fish, gasping in air trying to find the water they need to stay alive.

Doesn't that sound awesome?

At least they don't know that bigger animals have ripped them from their habitat because they taste delicious with melted butter.

A co-worker was telling me about when he and his brothers were kids they would throw apples at cows' heads because it was funny.

They assured us that the cows never felt it and it didn't hurt them.

But how in the WORLD would they know that for sure?
Last time I looked he didn't LOOK or ACT like a cow.

I've known people who kill cats and other small animals because they knew they could and/or they just plain hate them.

I fricking HATE birds but I don't throw them in a bag and beat them.
Or throw them in the river while they're still alive.
I still get teary-eyed about the time I saw a bird fly full force into a windowpane right in front of me...

And that happened years ago.

Even zoos, to an extent, are cruel.

Some of animals ruled their land...
And now they pace around a cube so a bratty five-year-old can see it for a minute.

I suspect as I get older I will be eating less and less meat.

And all this before I even had caffeine.

1:30 p.m. - 2010-11-21


'Arry Potta

I am so geeking out today.

I am going to see Harry Potter tonight and I am excited because I get to see it with friends that want to see it even MORE than me.

I'm hoping they are in costume BUT I don't want to get my hopes up.

But MAN they are such the geeks to do something like that.

I mean I think it's great that people get SOOOOO excited about something that they feel like a costume is a good idea for a movie.
Or a book release.

I'm just not one of those people.

But I will laugh and use a horrible British accent when I see them in Hogwarts robes.

God I hope hope HOPE they are in costume.

That would make my NIGHT!!

3:40 p.m. - 2010-11-19


Bah Humbug.


Today has been one of those days that makes me want to just crawl into bed and forget it ever happened.

Psst!! Hey Fif! I am going to do a list of WHY this day thou-st suckth.
I'm totally stealing your list form.

1. I have felt completely frazzled and discombobulated all day.
2. This weather is stupid and puts everyone in a funk--and NOT in a George Clinton-bring-on-the-funk awesome way.
3. I ate healthy stuff when really what I wanted to eat was the glorious bag of sour cream and onion chips I stared at longingly ALL DAY.
4. No solo time at ALL today so I can secretly eat bad food and play on the computer looking up nerdy sci-fi stuff.
5. I promised a friend I would go to her stupid home party where I feel guilty if I don't buy a candle that cost $50.

At least there is booze at the "party".

I CAN find the silver lining in anything.

Yay me.

5:08 p.m. - 2010-11-18


Did I hear SOMETHING about a wedding??

This is going to be a LOOOOONNNNNG winter if I have to hear about Prince William's engagement every other minute.

I get it.
It's a flippin' fairy tale.
And it IS sad that Diana isn't here to be a part of it.

But seriously?

The media just keeps repeating the same interview over and over and over and over AGAIN.

Is this how it's like for all you over there in England?
Royals on the news 24/7?
It's probably 9000 times worse....

Let's hope they get married SOON.


11:22 a.m. - 2010-11-17


Hi. His name is Douche and he likes to say stupid things..

Oh for crying out loud.

Another jackass makes the news and people are calling him a hero.


He told airport security that he wasn't going to allow them to search his person.
He even had the balls to tell security that if they touched his "junk" he would have them arrested.

Ummmm I think HE'S been arrested instead.


Those pat downs and screenings are for national security so that 9/11 doesn't happen again.

Not to inconvenience passengers.
Even if they inadvertently do.

I know that when I fly I am ALL about the security.

Want me to take off my shoes?


Want me to take only four ounces of shampoo and other toiletries?

No problem.

Need to pat me down?

Where do I need to go?

I want to feel safe on airplanes and NOT have to worry if the dude across the aisle has a tainted whatever that can kill everyone on the plane.

So this tard needs to shut the hell up and let security do their damn job.


12:21 p.m. - 2010-11-16


In the immortal words of Steven Tyler...Dream On. Dream On

I had a dream last night that I was in the middle of an air raid.

It was a beautiful, cloudless fall day.
We were outside when all of sudden there were planes everywhere.

Then the explosions started.

Luckily I didn't dream about people dying in front of me, I was more worried about getting out of there.

We jumped in the car and i grabbed a blanket and put it over my head...
And then I woke up with my comforter bunched around me.

I have NO idea what that dream means.

Guess I'll have to buy a dream interpretation book to figure it out.

9:04 p.m. - 2010-11-14


Come on baby DON'T light my fire

Me and the sis were driving around looking for a dining room table and chairs when we saw this massive amount of smoke.
At first we thought nothing of it.
I thought it might be some farmer burning their trash...

Not even close.

It turns out there was a fire advisory in our area(since it's been SO unseasonably warm) and the ditches on this one property just caught on fire and were burning when we drove past.

It was THAT dry out.

It was weird.

I live in Ohio.
And I've NEVER seen something just start on fire like that.


We were wondering what one would use to put it out.
Some kind of special extinguisher?

No idea.

Now I know how Californians feel.


12:42 p.m. - 2010-11-13


When did I decide THIS is the life I want???

I had a dream where I made fun of myself.
I was taunted about not being a FULL adult.

I woke up this morning and thought about it.
And realized it was true.

I have no place of my own, no children, not even an "adult" job.

And I'm not EVEN going to talk about my appearance...
Let's just say that I am not caring about myself as I should.

And I really have no idea WHY I am sabotaging myself so completely.

I just know I deserve more from myself.
I know what I have to do to start this transformation.

I just need to kick myself in the ass and do it.

Starting today.

1:39 p.m. - 2010-11-11


Endorphins can just suck IT!

I worked out today.

And I've never realized how MUCH parts of me jiggle that SHOULDN'T jiggle.
At least there aren't any dudes in this class or I couldn't do it.

I felt kinda ridiculous...
Laying there on the floor unable to do basic crap.
Just flopping around.
Like a stupid, inflexible fish on dry land.


But I'll go back and do this stupid class.

I need to lose some girth.

7:38 p.m. - 2010-11-09


Stand Up for Cheeseburgers!!!

When are we going to stand up and tell government to suck it?

Because frankly, I've about had it.

How dare they tell me that trans fats are bad so they are going to just make them illegal.

I'll eat bad food if I want.
Thanks anyway.

And now they are looking at fast food joints because the government says they're targeting children.


Last time I checked kids didn't have jobs.
That's up to the parents to have some balls and tell their little brats to shut up and eat their vegetables.

Leave the parenting to the parents please.
Even though SOME don't really do much parenting.

I thought this country was run on a democracy where I had the freedom to eat a juicy bacon-filled cheeseburger if I chose.
So leave the calorie counting to us, government, and take care of the important issues...

Like impeding people's civil rights.

You're really good at THAT.

12:42 p.m. - 2010-11-08


To all the melancholy who can't pull themselves out of the quagmire

I've been reading some entries on here.

Entries about how people just can't find anything that makes them happy.

I've been there and I feel for you.

But this quote says it best:

"People live the lives they want."

And I tend to agree with that statement.

Don't get me wrong though...
I've done the whole woe-is-me thing on here myself, but I'M the only person who can truly change my circumstances, my opportunities.
I could wallow in my own bullshit, my own tendency to think that I'm not good enough to follow my dreams.
I could sit in a corner in the fetal position crying over the fact that I have no babies, no TRUE relationship with a fellow.

But then I wouldn't be me.

I wish I could give everyone I've read my strength, my optimism and even, honestly, my naivete that I'm bound for something MORE.
That I DESERVE more.

But I can't.

And that sucks hardcore.

So I wish all those people good luck finding whatever it is they're looking for.

And remember there is someone out here worrying about you...

And cheering you on.

7:04 p.m. - 2010-11-06


If it looks like a Ginkgo and sways like a Ginkgo...

I have a Ginkgo tree in my back yard.

All the leaves fell off of it the other day and I missed it.


My sister said the leaves just kept falling and falling...
That it was quite pretty.

Figures that I missed it.

If you don't remember what a Ginkgo tree is from biology class my teacher called this tree a "living fossil" because it dates back to prehistoric times.
There's some speculation that the tree in my back yard, and really the others throughout my neighborhood, aren't TRUE Ginkgos.

That's just silly.

Because if they have the same leaves, bark and height then it goes to show that the one in my yard is PROBABLY a Ginkgo.

Which makes it even cooler because now I SEE them whenever I'm walking...
All the yellow fan-shaped leaves in a perfect circle around a naked tree.

I had no idea that my neighborhood was this interesting.

I guess you CAN learn something new everyday.

1:47 p.m. - 2010-11-05


What I'd be like on crack...I think...

I am crashing off my high as I write this entry.

This morning I drank a Vault.
I couldn't find a Coke or Pepsi at work.

And I never want another one again.

I was so goofy and wired that I was cracking people UP.
And the weird thing...
I've never had an energy drink affect me like that before.
That's why I don't drink them normally.

Plus it's not very tasty.

Sorry makers of the Vault.
It's true.

At least the day seemed to fly on by.

I was like Speedy Gonzalez.

Except without the accent.

Or the AWESOME hat and tiny moustache.

4:41 p.m. - 2010-11-04


Psycho get out of my USA shirt before you jinx the country and it breaks apart...

I might throw up.

Sarah Palin thinks she's influential and all powerful.

I'm not upset that the majority of people voted into office are Republicans...

It's their turn to screw up the country.

I'm queasy about the fact that this country has so many people that are brainwashed by a pretty, charismatic face.

A face that's completely void and lacking ANY morality.

I need to go to the bathroom now.


9:31 a.m. - 2010-11-03


Cut the bullshit!!!

Cheating is for cowards.

Plain and simple.

If you want to get out of a relationship then just GET OUT.
It hurts the other person much MUCH more if you cheat on them then if you just say it isn't working out.

I HATE all the psychobabble that infers that it's also the cheatee's fault that their partner cheated.

Only in the fact that they picked jackasses and skanks to love.


11:41 a.m. - 2010-11-01


Wow. Didn't expect THAT.

I handed out candy last night for the trick or treaters.

And I ran out in 42 minutes.

I came outside and literally saw wall to wall people.
And I knew that my supply wouldn't last long.
It was like I was on Times Square during rush hour.
THAT'S how many people there were.

It was ridiculous.

I went through 15 bags o' sugary treats like nothing.
I talked to my neighbor and they said the year before they passed out 934 pieces of candy.


And let's talk about the people who use BABIES to get free crap.
They can't even lift their little baby heads and these people are taking them out for suckers and other chewy things?

Especially in this cold weather.


Those babies probably weren't even THEIR babies.

Guess that's what I get for living in a nicer neighborhood.

Screw THAT.

Next year if I run out the kids are getting veggies.

Okay probably not.

I don't want to get egged or have a doggy bag of poop on my porch.

12:32 p.m. - 2010-10-29


I almost visited Oz yesterday!!

I got caught in the torrential downpour yesterday.

I was walking across campus and all of a sudden...


It rained so hard and fast...
The wind was SOOOO strong that I literally could NOT see or move for a moment.
I tried to run, but it's hard to run very fast when there's 60 mph winds hitting you in the face.

The funny part?

I looked like a drowned rat...
Well if you were looking at my face.
My back half was COMPLETELY dry.

That's how crazy hard the wind was blowing.

Luckily we didn't get any of the tornadoes that alot of other states had.

I didn't even have anything disappear and fly away.

Well I should say lucky for the town.

I did look like I was face down in a gutter for a bit.

Stupid freaky weather.

11:15 a.m. - 2010-10-27


That's what I said.

Why am I on this kick where almost anything someone says is followed by me saying

"That's what she said."

I can't stop doing IT!!
It cracks me up every TIME!

I'm laughing right now because I could literally place it after a line I JUST WROTE!

There's something wrong with me.


6:42 p.m. - 2010-10-26


Okay. Who replaced my mirror with a funhouse mirror?

I got the pictures from Homecoming that my friends took.

And I am going back to counting calories and fat grams ASAP.

HOW is it possible to lie to yourself so heinously!?
Because I swear when I left the house I didn't look like I ATE it.

Stupid pictures.

But I shouldn't be so worried...

I heard that cameras add like 60 pounds to people.

I'll just have to make sure people stop looking at me through camera lenses.

Stupid cameras.

1:59 p.m. - 2010-10-24


I'm older and I have better insurance.

i don't want to be working right now.
Me sleepy and I just want to go home.


On a Saturday night.

What's WRONG with this picture?

It's called my stupid jobs and how in the past couple of days I've been home about a total of three minutes.

Well that's what it feels like anyway.

Once upon a time I would've rather DIED than miss a party or not go out on a weekend night.

Not anymore.

And the scary thing?

I'm okay with that.

At least for the moment.

6:39 p.m. - 2010-10-23


Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!

I live in a new neighborhood.

A hood where apparently every single person in town(about 20,000...give or take a thousand) will be bringing their children to trick-or-treat next Thursday.

Which is why there is approximately about a gazillion LARGE bags of candy residing on my counter.

Thursday is going to be SOOOOO much fun.

I LOVE messing with the childrens.

Well not in a creepy way of course.


10:23 a.m. - 2010-10-22


Can I punch a commercial in the face?

Is it election day YET!?

Because seriously, I can't take much more of these idiotic campaign commercials!

Do they tell us what the candidates will do to help this country?


Do they tell us what the candidates platform is?

No siree bobbie.

Are these commercials slanderous and pretty much full of crap?

Of course.
What a stupid question.

Do people seriously believe any of the crap said in these commercials?

Not any of MY peeps.
Well, at least I HOPE so.
I don't hang with stupid people usually.

I might just have to throw a "Thank-the-lord-election-time-is-OVER" party.

Come on November 3.

Sassy want drinkies.

4:49 p.m. - 2010-10-21


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